
Ultrasound uses sound waves that you can’t hear to “see” the internal organs in your body. An ultrasound test does not use x-rays, is completely painless and in most procedures noninvasive. Ultrasound is one of the safest medical tests available today.


The ultrasound test can take from 15 to 60 minutes depending on what area is being studied. The ultrasound technician will assist you onto the examination table. A warm gel will be applied to the skin above the organ(s) to be studied. This gel helps conduct the sound waves from the ultrasound transducer to the skin. The transducer collects sound waves and displays an image on a TV monitor. The only thing you will feel is a slight pressure and the movement of the transducer over the skin. You may be asked to hold your breath or change positions at times.


Once the exam is completed a radiologist will review the images to determine if more pictures are needed. If nothing further is needed you will be released from the imaging center. A radiologist will prepare a report for your physician that will be forwarded to his or her office.


Preparation varies depending on the exam being performed. You may take your prescribed medications with a small amount of water.


Complete Abdomen:nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam OR fasting for 8 hours prior to exam. Approximate time of exam is 1/2 hour.


Limited Abdomen: Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam OR fasting for 8 hours prior to exam. Approximate time of exam is 1/2 hour.


Obstetrical and Pelvis: A full bladder is necessary. Finish Drinking 4-5 eight-ounce glasses of water one hour prior to exam. Do not empty your bladder.


Transvaginal: The exam is done with an empty bladder.


Doppler Exam of the Renal (Kidney) Arteries: Nothing to eat or drink after midnight the night before the exam OR fasting for 8 hours. Drinking water is okay. Medications can be taken with small amounts of fluids up until the exam time.


Renal (kidney w/o Doppler): A full bladder is necessary. Finish Drinking 4-5 eight-ounce glasses of water one hour prior to exam. Do not empty your bladder.

No Preparation Necessary for:


Extremities (including Doppler)


Visit Preparations

For your convenience you may download and fill the following forms prior to your visit.


Please bring the following items to your visit

  • Photo ID
  • Physician’s Order Forms
  • Your Insurance Card